January 30, 2020

Casten Statement on Votes to Ensure Proper Congressional Oversight for National Security

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Sean Casten (IL-06) issued the following statement after voting in favor of two amendments that would prohibit federal funds from being used for military operations against Iran without Congressional approval or as consistent with the 1974 War Powers Resolution, and to repeal the outdated 2002 Authorized Use of Military Force (AUMF). With these votes, American troops will continue their operations against Al Qaeda and ISIS, maintain their regional footprint in the Middle East, and the Administration still can conduct legal strikes in response to imminent threats:

Casten said, "The safety of Americans at home and abroad is my paramount responsibility. Today's votes ensure that ongoing operations to fight terrorism remain strong and American influence in the region is maintained. However, these votes also make clear that any additional military action must have the proper Constitutional checks including Congressional approval.

"As it stands, the 2002 AUMF is outdated. It was originally passed to authorize military operations against the Saddam Hussein-era Iraqi government. Ending this out-of-date authorization is appropriate and will not affect any current military operations in the region. We cannot use obsolete authorizations to start new wars without Congressional consideration.

"As we consider a strong national security plan, we must take into account new and evolving threats. The Administration must engage Congress and seek the appropriate approvals to expand current military conflicts. Strong national security requires an Administration ready to act with Congress to put the safety and wellbeing of Americans above all else and provides our troops clear directives."
